Partitioning layout
Setup Note: The partition layout for elasticsearch nodes may vary depending on how much data storage is needed. It makes sense to create mount points with the idea they may grow in the future.
Worksheet for estimating proper sizing that can be helpful
For ES data nodes, ES master node, and rsyslog storage node
/dev/sda1 mount on /boot 500MB vg_local-lv_swap 1024MB up to twice size of installed RAM vg_local-lv_root mount on / minimum of 10240MB vg_local-lv_home mount on /home minimum of 15360MB up to whatever size vg_local-lv_tmp mount on /tmp minimum of 1024MB vg_local-lv_usr mount on /usr minimum of 4096MB vg_local-lv_var mount on /var minimum of 8000MB up to whatever size
For rsyslog aggregator nodes (Optional)
/dev/sda1 mount on /boot 500MB vg_local-lv_swap 1024MB up to twice size of installed RAM vg_local-lv_root mount on / minimum of 8192MB vg_local-lv_home mount on /home minimum of 10240MB up to whatever size vg_local-lv_tmp mount on /tmp minimum of 1024MB vg_local-lv_usr mount on /usr minimum of 4096MB vg_local-lv_var mount on /var minimum of 8000MB up to whatever size
For OSSEC node (Optional)
/dev/sda1 mount on /boot 500MB vg_local-lv_swap 1024MB up to twice size of installed RAM vg_local-lv_root mount on / minimum of 8192MB vg_local-lv_home mount on /home minimum of 10240MB up to whatever size vg_local-lv_tmp mount on /tmp minimum of 1024MB vg_local-lv_usr mount on /usr minimum of 4096MB vg_local-lv_var mount on /var minimum of 8000MB up to whatever size
Install prerequisite apps
Setup Note: Some services should be available on the network such as a timeserver and DNS services otherwise, some assumptions made throughout this document will not be correct. It should also be noted that turning off SElinux and the firewall is not necessary for any part of this guide.
Install perl
yum install perl
Install helpful utilities
yum install wget
yum install lsof
yum install mlocate
yum install deltarpm
yum install sudo
yum install policycoreutils-python
yum install yum-utils
Install rsyslog
Everything on one line
yum install perl wget lsof mlocate deltarpm sudo policycoreutils-python yum-utils rsyslog
Setup time services client
Upgrade all packages if it has not been done yet
yum update
Reboot the system
shutdown -r now