Setup internal yum repositories for CentOS and RedHat Servers Part 4

  1. Setup internal yum repositories for CentOS and RedHat Servers Part 1
  2. Setup internal yum repositories for CentOS and RedHat Servers Part 2
  3. Setup internal yum repositories for CentOS and RedHat Servers Part 3
  4. Setup internal yum repositories for CentOS and RedHat Servers Part 4

Configure RHEL/CentOS client machines

Setup Note: Now that the storage nodes are configured, the repo files have to be updated on client nodes to point them at the new internal mirrors. This can be accomplished in a few different ways.

Configure RHEL6/RHEL7 clients

On RHEL systems the subscription manager has to be disabled

subscription-manager config --rhsm.manage_repos=0

Get the Redhat.repo file from internal repo server

wget http://el${OS_VER}repo/repo/Redhat.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/Redhat.repo

Configure CentOS6/CentOS7 clients

Get the CentOS-Base.repo file from internal repo server

wget http://el${OS_VER}repo/repo/CentOS-Base.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo

Configure Epel.repo on RHEL or CentOS clients

If the epel RPM has previously been installed, uninstall it now

yum erase epel-release

Get the Epel.repo file from internal repo server

wget http://el${OS_VER}repo/repo/Epel.repo -O /etc/yum.repos.d/Epel.repo

One script to rule them all

If you prefer, grab the script created to run on RHEL6/7 or CentOS6/7, that also handles the Epel.repo.

Setup Note: The script looks if epel is configured currently and if it is, creates the Epel.repo file. In the event epel is not configured, the script will not grab the Epel.repo file. To get around this, you can create an empty file that the script then sees and will grab the Epel.repo file from the internal mirror.

Create scripts folder

mkdir /root/scripts

Create file (see Setup Note for link to contents)

touch /root/scripts/

chmod 700 /root/scripts/

Create file for epel work around (only if you want epel configured and it is not currently configured)

touch /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo

Setup Note: Remember to copy the content from the appropriate files.

PATH: /root/scripts/

launch the repo setup script

cd /root/scripts/


If the epel RPM has previously been installed, uninstall it now

yum erase epel-release

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