Upgrading salt-minion on Windows using Salt

Upgrading the Salt Minion

For installation, follow the instructions on the saltstack website

Upgrade the Windows salt-minion

Login to the salt-master server and cd to the files directory

cd /srv/salt/server-base/file

Download the latest Version from the SaltStack Website (https://repo.saltstack.com/)

wget https://repo.saltstack.com/windows/Salt-Minion-2016.11.1-AMD64-Setup.exe

Copy the newest version out to all the Windows servers based on architecture

salt -C ‘G@os:win* and G@cpuarch:AMD64’ cp.get_file ‘salt://server-base/files/Salt-Minion-2016.11.1-AMD64-Setup.exe’ ‘C:\Downloads\Salt-Minion-2016.11.1-AMD64-Setup.exe’

Run the install as a background job so it completes (update “salt-master” with your salt-master’s DNS name or IP)

salt -C ‘G@os:win* and G@cpuarch:AMD64’ cmd.run ‘START /B C:\Downloads\Salt-Minion-2016.11.1-AMD64-Setup.exe /S /master=salt-master

Upgrade the Linux salt-minion

I added this just for good measure but as you can see, upgrading on Linux is pretty straight forward.

Perform an update using the package manager (example of RHEL based derivative)

yum update salt-minion -y

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